What comes next…

The adventure doesn’t have to be good, to be worth having.

More often than not you pick up a book in order to see the protagonist brave adversity; to overcome obstacles corporeal or otherwise, endeavour against an antagonist mental or physical and reach a natural conclusion – rather than read how fantastic their lives are at all times, and how regardless of the black upon the white of the page it continues that way until the end. If we were to do that; if our characters were to stay static and for everything to remain unchanged regardless of what happened – then it would be as much use to us as if nothing happening at all. If life is a state of change, why would we endure an experience of nothing; of stubborn unchanging?

It makes sense for our character to change, evolve and develop from moment to moment, exponentially even from chapter to chapter; regardless of if that development is ultimately better for them, or worse.

What this tells us; is that what comes next, does not always have to be the time at which you were most happy, for it to be the time you most needed. It does not have to a time you were most proud of; in order for it to be a story you may later wish to tell.

In fact; a large number of stories you’ll recall from your youth, involve actions you would never take again. Or unintentional copious amounts of alcohol.

The age of anxiety is upon us; because we feel as though what we have now isn’t that great, and that it’s only going to get worse. Which seems terrifying.

In order to avoid it, we try to cling on to this exact moment, knowing all the while that inevitably it will be taken from us, whether we like it or not.

Rather, offer no resistance. Let it go.

Do not be afraid of what’s to come; relish in the experience, knowing that if what is to come is pain, pleasure will be put into perspective, and it will follow in time.

What comes next may not be the time of your life; but it will be yours. What you can decide, is your perspective upon it. And how you will tell the story, when its over.


This article is best paired; with the following:


Stop The Possibility of Future Happiness, Determining Whether You Are Happy Now



Published by

Dalriada Highlander

Attempting to understand the universe, and the place of consciousness within the uncertain nature of the universe.

4 thoughts on “What comes next…”

  1. How we look at a thing really is so important in a great many areas of ours lives, and it is the only thing we really do have any control over. A pity more people don’t take advantage of that power we possess.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As always, thanks for coming back to this blog and commenting.

      You are entirely correct; we only have control over our actions; and our thoughts. Everything else, outwith our control. With that being said; why worry about it. It is our thoughts and actions TO any event, which dictates the experience we will call, life.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. This reminds me of a quote by Maya Angelou: ‘If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.’

        That pretty much sums it up for me! Enjoy your day! *smiles*

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I cannot emphasise enough how much I believe this to the case with changing your life also, or the phrase I use although I cannot remember as to who I attribute it too: “If you are unhappy; change your environment, or your perspective.”

          Thank you so much – have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend.

          Liked by 1 person

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